Friday, March 31, 2006


another amazing sunset

i love those sunsets that have to fight their way through the clouds sending spokes of colored light in every direction before finally diving into the sea.

especially when i can share them with friends from the tranquila bar dock. with an ice cold beer.

a lot of my friends (not that I have that many) seem to be leaving the island lately. some for opportunity, some for hard life choices. that's the biggest problem with living in a place like this. you keep losing family.
and the longer you're here the harder it gets to let new people in. i know it's the same in "real life" it's just that it seems more noticable here.

today i start the "fix my stove" quest in ernest. i know intellectually that playing with matches and propane in an enclosed space is not the smartest thing i've ever done but, somehow, it just seems like a good idea today.
after that (if there is an after that) i plan to stand on a rickety plastic chair in my shower and try to fix my showerhead. don't worry, i'm going to tie a safety line to the shower curtain rod.

it's a good day to tempt fate.

it's time for me to quit drinking tequila again. i'm starting to hear rumors about myself that sound a little too close to the truth. in the last two weeks alone i've actually been in the bar until closing. at least once i stayed after lights out. for two hours. this has to have something to do with the new "mustacheless" jungle. my evil twin.

i think i'm going to start spreading the infamous beer dogs around the island again. once a week i've decided to try cooking in the afternoon at colibri hotel. hey, swimming pool, cold beer, hot's a no brainer, folks.

well, i'm off for another cup of coffee.

have fun.


Blogger jungle said...


It's good to hear from you. What have you been up to?

I hope everything is good.

Utila has changed quite a bit yet it still manages to stay the same.

More cars, trucks, atvs and golf carts than you might imagine.

There's a Utila Aggressor now. Owned by Troy Bodden at Laguna Beach/Watersports.

I'm still here. I'm thinking more and more about the possibility of leaving
but I just can't seem to find a place that moves me. So I guess I'll just stay here for a while longer.

Let me know you're alright.


2:16 PM  
Blogger Philip Del Ricci said...

Your BLOG is deceiptively simple. I've had it open in a separate window and have been reading a post or 2 when I have the time. I seem to be getting hooked. No wonder they are so cautious with those 'south of the border' imports.


P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass

4:15 PM  

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