Saturday, April 01, 2006


FEMA alert

it's come to my attention that, as news of further decline in the quality of jungle life spreads around the world, it is causing some concern among a small group of associates enclaved in London.

FEMA (Fans of Everything Mostly Alcoholic) has apparently issued a global plea for intervention into the rapid devolution of this unique species. "the defoliation of the former vastness of this particular jungle threatens the very fabric of the universe as we know it". Ben "the Professor" C., chairman of the board, said in a hastily prepared statement released to the press early this morning (or late last night...whatever).

teams of specialists, armed with large quantities of guinness and pizza, are preparing to embark on a mission to
utila to stop (or at least slighty impede) this rapidly spreading (or not spreading) condition.

relief efforts have proven unsuccessful to date due to team members testing the guinness for purity.


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