Tuesday, May 16, 2006


IE Orientation

today is the beginning of the instructor examination. my candidate will go through a testing process that will allow him to demonstrate mastery of every step required for his inclusion into the wonderful world of scuba instruction.

the official orientation starts at 1400 hrs this afternoon and, if the examiner follows the pattern of the last few months, will be followed by a standards and procedures exam and the theory exams.

during the orientation the examiner explains every single thing the candidates can expect over the course of the exam. they are given the schedule of the different modules they will be tested on and the assignments and skills they will be expected to teach and demonstrate.

a very anxious time for most.

they will have this evening and tonight to prepare their teaching presentations, briefings and debriefings, and review their skill requirements.

the fact that the written exams will be out of the way up front will take a tremendous amount of the stress off.

of course most of the course directors, myself included, will spend the whole two days pacing like expectant fathers.

you gotta love it.

and i do.


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