Wednesday, August 22, 2007

back from miami

i made it back from miami just in time for hurricane dean. like a good little hurricane he passed us by without much notice. i wish i could say the same for mexico.

so in the space of just two weeks i finally got my honduran residency, updated my course director rating, and got fired from my job at the restaurant. not necessarily in that order.

so, aside from the job front, things are looking pretty good.

if you know anyone who needs an old fat guy to work for them keep your old friend jungle in mind.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


i'm on my way to la ceiba today so i can catch a 6am flight to miami tomorrow.

i'm finally getting to my required course director update.

i just hope hurricane dean lets me come back.

it's been almost a year in coming and i'm looking forward to it.

the good news is i'm in miami on the afternoon of the 17th and out again on the morning of the 19th.

very little chance for a major culture shock experience.

i just hope my spanish is good enough to get through the airport.

my cold/sinus infection is better (for those of you who care; you know who you are)

i'm now able to equalize and actually swallow my snot rather than having to expectorate a huge,
glistening, pulsating orb of ectoplasm that strangely resembles my ex-wife. i'm thinking e-bay.

have a nice day.